Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Up – Down – Twisted all around – life’s little roller coasters

November is the month of Harvest Festivals for me. For those of you who do not know what one is, it’s like a craft fair on steroids. They are open for three solid days from 10am to 6pm and offer shoppers the chance to visit artists from around the US (most are local to the West coast) and purchase unique gifts.

This year I signed up for a series of back to back events. They are enjoyable, but a lot of work none the less. I will be traveling and working the Harvest festival for almost the entire month of November. This is also one of the reasons I did the on-line special for the Free shipping and No taxes through December. So the San Mateo show that just happened kicks off the beginning of the series. I managed to get set up and created a look that I was quite proud of. You can see some images on the Très Spa facebook page You can also like Très Spa while you are there and be kept up to date of activities and spot specials. Aroma Therapy Crystals especially the Sanctuary and Meditation ones.

As the day progressed so did the outlook of the website. There was light at the end of the tunnel. Thank goodness for good friends who have engineering backgrounds! All of the important stuff, the customer information, the product reviews, the newsletter subscribers, was all safe from the malicious intruders. Tucked away behind the scenes. All was not lost! The only part that had gotten wiped out were the product pictures, some internal links and various minor things, and well yes, the front engine that served up all the information. My hosting company was able to load a newer version of the front end software and connect it to the database at the backend. All I needed to do was rebuild the images and tweak minor changes.

Compared to what I had thought at the beginning of the day, adding product pictures and reconnecting links was really minor stuff. The site was up and available and customers could order. As far as the rest of the tweaks… well a website really is never fully done is it?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Symphony is not played with only one note

From time to time I have people ask me why I combine the ingredients I do. For example, why not make soap out of one oil or maybe two? Same goes for the Body Butter. There are lots of folks out there who create their butters using straight Shea butter. So, the last time I had a chat with someone at one of the markets, it really did get me to thinking about why I do do things the way I do.

I can’t imagine doing such a thing as only using one or two oils no more than I can imagine listening to a symphony of only one note. Composers may get inspiration from one note, but they add to that single note a series of notes to create chords and then blend various cords in unique sequences to create a finished piece of music.

I use the oils based on what they are known for or to put it another way, their nutrient combinations. Some oils are higher in certain vitamins than others. Some create a better lather than others, some ride on top of the skin creating a barrier, and others penetrate beneath the top layer and get down to the Dermis layer where all your new skin cells are being cultivated.

Just as a composer may get inspiration from a single note, they create a symphony with a blend of notes into chords which harmonize into the final piece. I apply the same art in creating recipes for Très Spa. I start with a single application, take for example body butter. The intention is to create a moisturizer that is free from preservatives. Butters are thick and tend to take a longer time to absorb into the skin. (If the label says water then it’s a cream and not a true body butter. )

Now if I’m going to take the time to apply a gorgeous butter, thick and luxurious, I’m going to want a butter that has all the nutrition in it that I can get. I’m also going to want a butter that is easy to get out of the jar and glides on smooth. Since Cocoa and Shea nut butters tend to be very hard in their natural state, I whip in other ingredients to make the most packed nutritious body butter around that is smooth and spreadable.

As far as the soaps, well…. They are also packed with a variety of oils and other ingredients. I usually start with a season in mind and the characteristics of nature during each season then I build from there. Sometimes it comes from customers looking for one essential oil, like my Grazin’ in the Grass. This soap started out from several customers looking for a Tea Tree soap. I got tired of saying no and gave it to the request. The result was a bar that has way more punch than just Tea tree on its own. It is the most astringent, antibacterial, anti microbial bar soap I create.

It may start out with one note, but I quickly add notes and ingredients that build upon each other and accent or strengthen each other until I have a finished piece. While you might not hear the symphony when you use Très Spa products, your skin will.

If you would like to learn more about Tres Spa products, visit us on line at

Friday, October 29, 2010

Great news! The sale of French Fries is up!

No, Très Spa does not sell French fries. In fact, I rarely even eat them. However, I am a small business owner and I like to learn from other small business owners. Being in the small business sector, you gain an Interesting perspective of the economy and the trends in the market place. Often times we see the economic reality long before the news casters are reporting, and sometimes in contrast to what they are reporting. Recently I was talking with a friend of mine who heads up sales for a software company. He has a product that is really geared for the small business sector so he spends a good deal of time talking with small business owners from all different industries.

One of his customers is a local restaurant chain. They have 5 restaurants in a major metropolitan area and they are well known for really good burgers and fries. Simple business, but they do well and have several employees. Most of the customers who frequent his establishments are from the blue collar working class. Tradesmen in the construction industry and various other industries.

They were talking about the current state of the economy from the perspective of the small business owner. One of the advantages that small business owners have is a close connection to the consumers. We get to know each other by name and share personal stories. When our customers are worried we see it and feel it rapidly. Often times we see the spending behavior change even before the economic forecasters are broadcasting on the media.

A simple thing the restaurateur noticed, just before the newscasters were speaking about an economic recession, the sales of French fries was beginning to slip. As the economy increased in its decline the sale of beverages began to also slip. People would still come in for the burgers but would pass on the extra fries and beverages. When asked how sales are now. The owner was happy to report that sale of beverages has been up for some time and is right back to where it was before the down turn. And, yes folks, the good news is that the sale of fires is climbing back as well. Puts a whole new meaning on the phrase “Do you want fries with that?”

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Aloha Kukui!

I love Hawai’i. I have had the good fortune of having been there a time or two and have visited all but one of the islands that make up this heavenly state. The first thing that struck me when I de-planed was the distinct aroma of tropical flowers carried on the breeze. Of course that would be the first thing I noticed and one of the most impacting memories I hold. Spending my life entrenched in the natural aroma of plant based oils has its perks!
Of course it does not take long to notice the stunning views and the vibrant colors of the tropical flora. If you are planning a trip for yourself, I highly recommend taking one of the helicopter rides to view the terrain from above. Even though I have a huge fear of heights, I bit the bullet and flew over not just one but two of the islands and I am so glad I did.
One of the little gems I brought back with me is the Kukui Nut. In Hawai’i the Kukui earned a reputation as a symbol of enlightenment, protection, and peace. It is the state tree for Hawai’i. The Polynesians made good use of the tree and its fruits and they are vast and varied. One of the most noticeable qualities of the nuts is the high content of oil it produces.
So what’s in it for me you may be asking. It is an amazing moisturizer that rapidly absorbs into the skin leaving silky smooth skin without the feeling of greasiness. Kukui Nut Oil contains Vitamins A, C, and E, providing anti-oxidants that help to protect the skin. What the Polynesians have known for centuries is that the oil from the Kukui can help protect the skin from salt water, harsh sun and drying winds. It has been said that the oil is excellent for dry skin, mature skin, psoriasis, eczema or any severe skin condition.
At Très Spa we used the cold pressed oils in Naked body oil and apres Soliel (after sun) body oil.
To learn more about Trés Spa products, visit us on line at

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lessons I learned from being a Marathon Runner – 1 you need good shoes

While I create amazing organic and natural skin care products and I do like to talk about them with anyone who will listen, I felt compelled to share with you some stories of my life and the lessons I learned along the way. This is the first post in a series of lessons I learned from running Marathons.
I was at a business networking event recently and I had the chance to sit down and have lunch with a complete stranger. It was un-planned and just seemed to happen. My intention was to sit and work on my lap top during lunch but lunch decided to take a different turn.
So there I sat with Karen, a very nice women who has an amazing business she is launching. Since she came from the school system, she wanted to create a consulting company that helped troubled teens and their families. As we talked about all kinds of topics during our leisurely lunch the subject of the Marathon that was running through town came up.
I told her that I had been a Marathoner and had successfully completed several marathons and Half Marathons a couple of years ago. I told her that I have a deep and abounding respect for runners. They are an amazing group of people. I also told her that I learned a great deal about life from my brief time running.
I actually completed 4 full marathons, 5 half marathons and several 10ks. I still have all the medals to prove it and, more importantly, to remind me. I had never been a runner. I was quite the opposite! My step father was a runner years ago but I was the fat kid who didn’t do any sporting things. I think I was chubby from birth and just never stopped being chubby which later became plain old fat.
When I was 42 a friend of mine decided it would be a good idea for us to run. Why? I have no idea! But I said I would train and support my friend for the half marathon not knowing what I was getting into, just a leap of faith.
So what’s the first thing you do? Ask an expert. I worked with a man named Senya. Senya is a little eccentric and a true character, but someone I deeply respected. There was always a tension of sorts between he and I. I took it to be a creative one. In his past he had been trained and served in a rather elite military force so you can imagine, he was not the type of person to mince words. He is also a runner and a Marathoner. Senya could be blunt and was usually brutally honest. He called it the way he saw it and had no qualms about telling you exactly what he thought.
I told him of my plan and he did not laugh at me or ridicule me. Considering I was 42 and seriously over weight, you would think he would have said NO WAY! But he did not.
What he told me was “Only wimps run half marathons! You have 12 months to train and that is plenty of time to get ready for a full marathon.“ I asked if he thought I could do it and he said without delay “Yes, first you need good shoes. You don’t take a step without the right shoes “
He proceeded to tell me exactly where to go and get the shoes and I went out that day so I could take my first “run” that night after work. Since I refused to be called a wimp, I decided that I would train for the Full Marathon. No way I was going to let Senya call me a wimp! Besides, I believed him when he said I could do it and never questioned it.
So the first lessons I learned that apply to anything in life you set out to do:
1) Declare your intention or goal
2) Seek out the advice of others who have gone before you (find your Senya)
3) Listen to their guidance, it will help you avoid their mistakes
4) Be courageous with your goals
5) Before you take the first step, get the right pair of shoes!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The power of Oatmeal

Oatmeal is an incredible little grain. It makes a wonderful addition to your daily diet. It is considered to be one of the Heart Healthy foods that can also help fight cholesterol and its complex carbohydrate makes it perfect for dieters. The “stick to your ribs” definition of oatmeal is due to the complex nature of the oatmeal. Oatmeal also has a high level of fiber in it. The body takes longer to digest it and this is why it gives you a satisfied feeling and can help prevent cravings.

But the benefits of oatmeal don’t stop with the diet. It is also good for your daily skin care. In fact there is growing use of oatmeal in many skin care products. Oatmeal has been known to help calm irritated skin, reduce rashes, and relieve itchiness. As an exfoliate, it is soothing and gentle while still being very effective at helping to slough off dead skin cells and unclog skin pores.

At Trés Spa we use organic oatmeal in several of our products due to the benefits it has as a natural skin care aid. It is both gentle and effective as a natural exfoliate. We use it in many of our natural soaps as well as in the Old Fashioned Country scrub. We are currently experimenting with it as one of our ingredients in a facial scrub due to be released this summer. You can find our products here; but you can also create some fast skin care at home.

Here are some ideas for you that you can try with the same organic oatmeal from your kitchen cupboard.

• For your bath, try grinding some oatmeal into a fine powder and add it to your bath water. Really great for skin that has been damaged by sun exposure.

• For a fast facial try mixing some finely ground oatmeal with a local organic honey and apply it to your skin for 10-20 minutes.

• Quick face scrub, use a rough cut oatmeal and mix it with fresh yogurt to scrub away dirt, dead skin, and open up the pores.

If you would like to learn more about the history and chemistry of Oatmeal click here. To learn more about Trés Spa products, visit us on line at

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Presidents Day

Yesterday was a Holiday for me and my family. It was nice to have a day off and I had promised everyone I would take the day off, I mean really off. No computer and no phone for one day. It is really nice to have a day with no electronic interference once in a while. I love my life and I love my work, both the consulting work that I do as well as the skin care.

But on this day, I took advantage of the day to sleep in a little and spend some quiet time reflecting. I was thinking about Presidents. Makes sense to think of Presidents since it was a day to celebrate the birth George Washington, our first President. My thoughts also drifted to the title of President as it pertains to business. Hard not to think of commerce given the current state of the economy. But rather than clutter my mind with pondering on the negative CEO’s and Presidents we see in the news, I was thinking in terms of the people that have most influenced me and that I admire.

As I thought on the subject, I realized that I have always been surrounded by CEO’s of entrepreneurial companies. I thought about the lessons that each one has taught me through the years. Knowing them over the years has helped me tremendously in preparing and launching my own company and due to their pioneering spirit; I had every confidence that I could do it before I ever filed my corporate papers.

Annette has had her own company for a very long time. She started out on her own cleaning homes and gradually added a few staff to her team. Over the years she worked hard, developed a great client base, and as a result has created a lifestyle that I honestly envy. There are very few countries she has not traveled to for vacations. Seems every other month she is off on a new adventure of some sort. She did not get there overnight. She worked hard to earn the lifestyle she now enjoys. The main lesson I learned from her is to build your business one step at a time and build solid relationships with your customers. Be realistic in the goals you set out to achieve and when it is time, take the time to relax and enjoy.

Carol I have known for many years and I have always had a deep appreciation for her wisdom and compassion for people. We also share a passion for protecting the environment. She is an author of several books and is the founder of Green Career Central. From Carol I have learned that your business is an extension of you. To grow your business, you need to grow yourself. It never ends and you will find yourself on a path of discovery and development that will continue to evolve and grow with the right nurturing. She has an amazing wisdom that is truly rare to find.

Liz is a ball of energy. She is the CEO and Founder of Single-Sourcing Solutions. Honestly it can be hard to keep up with her. It is amazing how she knows so many people and she has an incredible ability to bring people together. I have learned a lot from her and I am sure I will continue to learn new things from her. The lessons that stand out the most are the importance of being a knowledge expert at what you do and having the passion and drive to persist through adversity. She is far more fearless than I think I could ever be, but I can try.

So what Presidents have influenced you in your life?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is the difference: Natural vs. Organic?

This past weekend I skipped the regular farmers market and opted to go participate at a little Valentines gift fair in what I would consider to be a very unusual place, a local diveyish bar. While it’s not my normal type of venue nor is it really a place I hang out, I figured why not. Plus I was there with a friend so we could keep each other company.

When I arrived, I was really not sure how it would be as a venue and, honestly, I wondered if anyone would stop by my table at all. Soon there was a regular stream of people curious about my products and full of questions and adoration. Since they were not my regular customers, they had lots of questions for me that I was only too happy to answer with as much detail as they wanted.

One gentleman came by and was asked how I make the products and what I use. When I answered that I use Organic and Natural ingredients, his ears perked up. Of course the next question he had for me was: What is organic? and What is natural?

In the cosmetic market space these words are used very frequently but they mean very different things. There is more than one term that companies use when labeling their products Organic. To state that the product is organic means that at least 95% of the product is made from certified organic ingredients. The other label you may see is that the product is made with 70% organic ingredients. To be certified as organic, there are very strict guidelines that you must follow and certification is expensive and a bit restrictive for the smaller independent company to achieve.

The term natural means that the product is as close to its natural state (how you find it in nature). It is kind of hard to label the final product as natural. Once you add lye to the oils and other additives to create soap, it no longer resembles what you would find out in nature. Lotions and creams contain water and for the safety of the consumer, preservatives are added which do not necessarily occur in nature but without it the product can become harmful.

For Trés Spa, I use a variety of raw ingredients. Many of them are organic certified. Some of the additives are what are considered to be “food grade” meaning they are safe enough to eat. And yet again, some of the ingredients are considered natural. One day, perhaps I will have the extra funds to get the organic certified label, for now I am happy with following the best guidelines to bring the most healthy and wholesome products to my customers.

For more information about the Trés Spa products, please visit our website at

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Greening your life, try making your own paper

When Trés Spa was just a twinkle in the eye, one of the key practices that were critical for the company to stand behind was green manufacturing. After all, our skin care products are inspired by nature and we use organic raw ingredients and pure essential oils. The same considerations of the ingredients that go into the products extend to what goes around them. The practice of renewable, eco-friendly, and environmentally friendly manufacturing and packaging had to be in every aspect of the final product we deliver to the customers.

A great deal of research and time went into finding the right packages for the lines of products. There were two packaging solutions that I could not locate that met the needs of the products and were cost effective enough for small batch processing. So to solve this dilemma, I decided to learn how to make the packaging myself. I learned how to make paper.

Originally the thought was to do this for the immediate need, but to keep looking for a commercially available resource. I mean what I really want to be known for is the high quality body care products and not for the paper. Little did I realize how much my customers would enjoy these simple items and their unique design and texture.

One of my customers at the local Farmer Markets took notice of the paper and had commented on how much she liked it. She was amazed when I said “Thanks, I make it myself.” She wanted to know if I would be willing to teach a class of 4th graders how to make paper for one of their class assignments. I was thrilled and jumped at the chance! We all had a blast and the kids loved it. I had one or two ask if they could do this at home and if there are kits they could as their parent to buy. Perhaps I was able to influence a future artist or at least a future recycler.

The possibilities of variations when making paper are endless. The process you can do at home requires very little energy, is simple to learn, and creates no waste. If you are interested in making paper, there are lots of resources on line or you can visit your local craft store to get started. Once you get going, it’s pretty addictive and you have the added benefit of doing something to help save the environment.

So by popular demand it looks like I’ll be making paper for a while. To see the line of products (and our paper) Trés Spa has, you can visit our website at

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ah the Feet

I’ve always been hard on my feet. Even when I was a kid I wasn’t very kind to my feet. I was pidgin toed and flat footed so I had to wear corrective shoes. I always tried to hide my feet from the other kids because I couldn’t wear the cute shoes the other girls wore. I remember I once snuck a pair of sandals out of the house in the morning so I could wear them on a class field trip to the zoo. Of course, this resulted in me getting huge blisters by the end of the day and I had to have my feet bandaged for days after. Well they say with age comes wisdom. So now that I am an adult, I try to take better care of my big flat feet.

Recently I went to the Preston Wynne Day Spa in Saratoga. I treated my feet to the amazing Rock and Rose spa pedicure. One word: Divine! I highly recommend this indulgence for anyone. As I sat in the very comfy chair and in between dozing off for moments, I did some thinking about feet and how important they are to me every day and how often they go unattended.

Our feet are our foundation. According the ancient art of reflexology, they hold a direct link to the organs of the body. The belief is that pressure applied to the right spot on the foot can effect a change in the corresponding organ. The practice has its roots in ancient civilizations dating back thousands of years. There is also documented evidence that a form of what we know as reflexology was practiced in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North America. Each civilization had its own variation, but the root was the same, manipulation of the feet to affect health. Here is a fun interactive foot chart developed by Barbara and Kevin Kunz Foot Chart

Whether or not you believe in this alternative health practice, you cannot deny the amazing feeling a good foot massage gives you. But it’s not just the massage that makes you feel so wonderful, it’s the entire pamper process. From the exfoliation of the dead skin cells to the sultry soaking in seas salts then it’s finished off with a moisturizing rub to give your feet that soft supple feeling. The icing on the cake is dressing up your toes with pretty colors of polish (preferably from a formaldehyde free polish).

If you just can’t seem to find the time (or the money) to go to the day spa, then we can recommend the following Trés Spa products you can use at home to pamper yourself. For a deep foot scrub, we recommend either the Java Bean scrub or the Sea scrub. Once you’ve given your feet a good scrubbing, take the time to soak them in a warm water bath of the Trés Spa Bath salts or the Royal Silk Milk Bath (you only need a tablespoon or two for a foot bath). Finish off your at home spa treatment with one of the Trés Spa Whipped Body Butters. Massage the butter over the entire foot, giving it the extra time to absorb in. Your feet will thank you for it!

Please remember to step carefully if you have applied lotion or butter the bottom of your feet. You may want to put socks or slippers on after.

Monday, January 11, 2010

How to combat the Winter dilemma; Dry itchy skin.

Ever wonder why your skin seems so dry in the winter. Winter air is dryer than the moist summer breeze. Seems like as soon as the air chills and the wind blows, your skin starts to lose its moisture and gets itchy. To add insult to injury, the heaters go on in the house, car and while your inside and the heat sources we use do their part in removing additional moisture from the air.

So what’s a person to do when your skin starts to show the effects dry air can have? Its times like these that a very simple 3 step skin care regime becomes even more important.

First and foremost, we recommend that you use a good handcrafted soap. You can find Trés Spa Artisan soap at our on-line store: You can also search for a local soap maker at the Hand Crafted Soap Makers Guild

Second step, use a good exfoliate to deep clean and unclog your skin pores. Extra exfoliation helps remove the dead dry skin, thereby relieving the itchiness. At Trés Spa we have four different body scrubs to choose from. Each one is an excellent addition and it really is a matter of personal preference. For the winter months, I tend to use the Java Scrub on my body as it is a strong exfoliate and it is very stimulating to the skin. Of course some may talk about the cancer fighting power of caffeine and a myriad of other benefits, but I tend to like it for the warm scent. We also have oatmeal based scrub called Old Fashioned Country, a sugar scrub called Sweet Stuff, and last but not least, our mineral rich Sea Scrub.

Third step in your regular skin care regime, moisturize. The skin needs a little extra help now more than ever. A good moisturizer will work with your skin cells to help in creating a moisture barrier; locking moisture in the skin. There are so many choices out there for you to pick from and even different types of moisturizers. Some are very thick and take longer to absorb (I personally prefer these in winter since I really want the extra protection)like a butter or cream, and others are thin and fast to absorb (but often need reaplying during the day). This is the time of year you really can reap the full benefits of a good Body Butter. The Trés Spa Whpped Body Butter is a whipped combination of nut butters and oils that are scented with pure essential oils. If you want to avoid any scent, you can select the Naked Butter. For your face, a good cream would be highly beneficial. Trés Spa also has an amazing cream called Defiance! that you can use morning and night. Lotions are great but they tend to be much thinner than a butter or a cream and you may need to apply them more than once a day. The Trés Spa lotions contain an excellent blend of oils and extracts that make excellent skin conditioners. We only use pure essential oils in our scent blends.

So what about baths in the winter?
I love a good soak any time of year and certainly no dry chilly winter is going to keep me out of the tub! But, soaking in water can tend to dry out the skin if you aren’t adding the right ingredients to your bath water. Salts are great for detoxifying and re-mineralizing, but salts alone don’t add anything for retaining moisture. For the winter months I rely more heavily on a milk bath and/or a moisturizing fizzy bath bomb. Milk works great in helping your skin stay moist and supple. The EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids) act to help calm irritated skin. It is naturally hydrating and provides gentle skin-renewing exfoliation with its natural alpha hydroxy acids. The Trés Spa Royal Silk Milk Bath has the power of buttermilk as well as the mineral benefits of the Himalayan Pink Sherpa Sea Salts. The Trés Spa Fizzy Bath Bombs also contain a touch of Jojoba oil; an oil that is used to help create a moisture barrier for your skin.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Got Milk?!

We have probably all seen or heard the advertisement that says “Milk, it does a body good!” The commercials go on to tell us how milk helps strengthen our bones, build stronger teeth, and even help to build muscle. Studies also suggest that drinking milk in moderation can help prevent osteoparosis and heart disease. With all of the studies and research out there, most people are pretty convinced of the importance of incorporating milk into your daily balanced diet.

But what about your skin?
The advantages of milk don’t end with just drinking it. Research has shown that milk applied to the skin offers its own unique nutritional benefits. Milk can help alleviate redness and calm irritated skin. It is naturally hydrating and provides gentle skin-renewing exfoliation with its natural alpha hydroxy acids. The milk acids will help to gently slough off dead skin cells. It is also documented to aid in diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, reducing the appearance of age spots, reducing hyperpigmentation while improving skin texture.

How does it do this?
Milk contains proteins (whey and casein), fat, amino acids, lactic acid and vitamins A and D. All of these properties work together to create soft supple skin with a natural glow. Add milk to your regular skin care regime. Trés Spa Artisan soaps all contain buttermilk. How about a truly decadent treat? Add the Trés Spa Royal Silk Milk Bath to your next bath. Trés Spa’s Royal Silk Milk Bath combines the power of Himalayan Pink Sherpa sea salts rich in minerals with the natural healing power of honey and the skin soothing agents of milk. It’s nothing new, soaking in a bath of milk was a regular practice once reserved for the very rich. Cleopatra is infamous for her milk baths with rose petals as part of her natural fountain of youth spa routine.

Goats milk vs Cows milk;
There are some differences of goats milk to the milk of a cow, but none that are significant when using it for skin care. Trés Spa products use Buttermilk in the Artisan Soap as well as in the Royal Silk Milk Bath, which is higher in lactic acid. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid used in rejuvenation products and is considered to be a gentle yet very effective anti-aging treatment. Here is a quick reference guide to the differences of milk from different animal sources: Nutrition by animal Source.

To find out more about Trés Spa and our full line of skin care inspired by nature, visit us at