Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's a fizzie bath bomb for?

Nothing quite like a bath to help you feel completely relaxed and at ease. Once you lay back in the tub and allow the warm waters to support you, you find your tension begins to melt away and your mind begins to relax into peaceful day dreams. II also find a good soak in a warm bath to be the perfect time to think through issues or solve problems. I don't know about you, but I find I can think much clearer when I am relaxed.

Baths are also the perfect time to gently nourish your skin and relieve achy muscles. Très Spa features several products to support you during tub time. You can find our amazing Royal Silk Milk Bath and our gentle Tub Teas and our mineral rich Naked Spa Bath Salts along with Fizzie Bath Bombs on our on-line store. You can use any one of these products on thier own or combine them for an even more potent treat. My personal favorite is the Royal Silk Milk Bath combined with a Fizzie Bomb. Try it and you will understand.

Each one of the products brings their own unique benefits to your skin care regime but for today, let’s just talk about the Fizzie Bath Bomb. What are fizzies for? First and foremost, they are for fun. You drop them in the water and watch them fizzle and twirl around. It brings out the kid in all of us. But don’t be fooled by the simple pleasure, these fun treats for the bath have more to offer. They also have the effect of softening the water and can also help to soften your skin. For the Très Spa bather, it's a way to bring the aroma therapy aspects into the tub with them as the fizz releases the pure essential oils into the bath water and the scent fills the air around you.

I have no idea where the first fizzie came from. I have heard it said that Lush, a UK based company, was the first to create and popularize the fizz but I have no idea if that is the true origin. But regardless of who was first, there is no doubt that these fun little treats have become quit the hit amongst bathers everywhere.

While we all share the same basic recipes, we set ourselves apart in how we customize them for our customers. There all kinds of deviations on the same theme. Some make these fun cupcakes that are absolutely amazing. They look so incredible, you want to eat them! Others make these massive 8 oz balls with various vibrant colors. I have also seen them so small they are designed like little tiny truffles in a box. Some have sparkly glitter, some have dried flowers or other herbs. Some use fragrances like mango and strawberries while others use only pure essential oils. Some add a bit of oil to help moisturize the skin as well. Some have vibrant colors and others are white as snow.
I have even seen some are a tablet that you drop in the corner of your shower. This one has always perplexed me though. I have no idea what the benefit is of that. I suppose some would say it’s for the scenting of the shower, but then that is the side benefit of soaps and shampoos and hair rinses scented with pure essential oils! Seems like a waste to lose the effervescent fizzie to the drain.

For Très Spa, when I was designing the products, I wanted to focus more on our customer needs and demands. With our customers, this is what they said they wanted:

1) Good quality base ingredients
2) Natural! Only use pure essential oils
3) Family friendly – good for the grown-ups in the house.
4) Don’t stain my tub or make it hard for me to clean up
5) Don’t leave behind floaty bits. I don’t need to glitter my bath water
6) I want to use it, not admire it’s looks.

So you will find that the Très Spa fizzies are a no fluff let’s get to business fizzie that delivers all the benefits with none of the drawbacks. Look for our new line of fizzies this summer that will feature essential oil blends designed from the principles of the metaphysics of scent.

No matter what your age or your preference there is a fizzie out there for you. If you have never tried one before, I highly recommend you do as soon as possible. While I would love for you to buy the Très Spa Fizzie Bath Bombs, I understand that I cannot be all things to all people so you can find other great creators of fizzies here at the HSMG, http://www.soapguild.org/ or you may find one of my peers here at the Indie Beauty Network, http://www.indiebeautynetwork.com/directory/index.asp

If you would like to learn more about the products created by Très Spa, please visit us on line at http://www.tressspa.com/

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